airstream renovation

Living Tiny with @tincanramblers

So excited to share J & Brit today from @TinCanRamblers. I started following them when they lived in a cute renovated Airstream & now they live in an RV they totally remodeled. Wait until you see how beautiful it is!

Hey there! We wanted to share a little about our journey to living tiny in hopes for you to get to know us a bit more and to help anyone out there who may be considering the lifestyle. =)

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Way back when (or at least it feels like it)…

Three years ago you could find my husband (J) and I (Brit) living in a 3 bedroom house in the suburbs of Nashville, TN. We loved our house at the time and honestly when we bought it we thought we would live there for decades but that plan changed.  We started to feel stuck in the daily routine and wanted more adventure out of life.  Our journey into this lifestyle started when I was obsessing over tiny houses and sending my husband absolutely everything I could find on tiny living. I was 110% sold on the idea and the thought of selling everything we owned sounded so freeing. I found so much inspiration from others who had already taken the leap and shared their stories through social media/blogs/youtube channels.  I could just picture us rolling down the road with everything we owned in the home being pulled behind us! It took a while for me to convince my husband (he wasn’t sold on a tiny house) - but finally he came around and instead of building a tiny house he pitched the idea of an RV…..and the rest is history.

Our main intentions in living tiny were to pay off debt, have financial freedom, and to be able to travel.  We started downsizing immediately and sold/donated pretty much everything we owned - except a small amount of clothing. This process was so eye-opening, to go through the stuff we had been carrying around for years for no reason at all other than we thought we “needed” it. We put our house on the market, luckily it sold very quickly and we moved into an apartment while we renovated a 1980 Airstream Excella. We spent the winter completely gutting and rebuilding our new home on wheels, from flooring, to plumbing, to electrical, etc.. Luckily, we had family along the way to help us build our dream and we learned so much from the experience. We poured so much love into our little home and it was finally happening right before us. It definitely wasn’t easy though, we had challenges along the way and things would go wrong - at times it felt like we would never finish. Through this process we learned to not dwell on the problems - just fix them and move forward, it’s all part of the journey.

The following spring we finished the build and moved into our airstream. We were living stationary in Nashville at the time at an RV park. Adjusting to the smaller space took some time, but we quickly fell in love with living tiny.  We lived in our airstream for about a year until we decided we wanted a little more space. We decided to sell the airstream and buy a travel trailer with slides. We ended up purchasing a Forest River Wildwood 27REI which we live in currently. Even though this rv was much newer than our airstream and didn’t need a complete remodel, we knew we wanted to make our new camper feel like home. So the first project on our list was to paint. We painted pretty much everything, the walls, the cabinets, the doors… The paint made such a big difference in the space and it felt so much bigger inside! From there we continued to do projects here and there to update the space and it started feeling like home in no time! I love decor and am always coming up with a new project around the camper or changing something up. =)

What our life looks like currently...We’ve been mostly stationary in Nashville for the majority of the past 2 years, but we’ve been parked in southern Alabama for a couple months now and are looking forward to traveling more soon! If you are considering living stationary for any amount of time, a lot of rv parks offer a discount for monthly stays, and even seasonal rates if you plan to stay the entire season. J works remotely and my job is based out of Nashville. If you are looking for remote work, a great resource that we’ve found to be helpful is We also have two pups, Rocky is our 5 year old Yorkie/Pom mix and Charlie is our 2 year old Merle Long Haired Chihuahua. They have adjusted so well to RV life and we spend so much more time outdoors than we used to! 
We quickly fell in love with living tiny and don’t foresee stopping anytime soon! We stop and think about our purchases now and whether we actually need an item, because let’s be honest - we just don’t have room for non-essential items. One day when we are done with life on the road, we hope to build a small house in the mountains somewhere and maybe build a camper van for adventures. 
All this to say, if you are considering tiny living we encourage you to take the leap! It may seem scary at first, but the journey will be so rewarding!
If you would like to follow along with our journey we’d love to get to know you - come say hi on instagram: . =)

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Airstream Life & Renovation with @thislittleairstream

Miranda Lawson is on the blog today talking about Their tiny living journey & Airstream Renovation. If you’re on the hunt for an amazing wedding photographer, check out her website!


When I was a kid I played outside. I never wore shoes. I picked potato bugs off potato plants in the garden and spent hours studying them. I dug in the dirt.  I took baths in the creek and chased minnows around in the water with empty yogurt containers. It felt good to play outside. 

When I had my own girls in 2008 and 2010 I wanted them to experience nature in the same way. Then real-life happened. My husband and I worked regular 9-5 jobs. We came home from work exhausted. It was already dark and dinner needed to be made. Then dishes, and homework. and laundry. The same routine, every day. At the end of the day it felt like we were getting nowhere and my kids were growing up fast. This was not the childhood I imagined for them. 

In 2016 I had a wake up call.  A few days after my annual exam, my Dr sent me a Facebook message at 10:00pm (yep, I'm facebook friends with my gynecologist). She asked if she could call me and told me the news. I had cancer.  My life flashed before my eyes and I vowed to make the most of every moment with my family.  I thanked Jesus for my two beautiful girls and I had a hysterectomy. 

A year later, I had another life changing event called Irma. The strongest observed Atlantic hurricane ever plowed straight for my home in SWFL.  I will never forget the days leading up to the monster storm Irma and how I felt the day we left. For the first time in my life, I didn't care about the house. That house and all of the stuff we spent our whole lives working for- WHY did we have it? Its just STUFF. As I drove away from the house, I realized the only thing that mattered was in the car with me. 

In Feb 2018 we decided to change our lifestyle and travel full time in an RV. Our goal was to focus on making memories with our kids and adventuring outdoors.  We bought a 1998 25' Airstream and began preparations.  Over the course of the next 8 months we renovated the Airstream, donated most of our stuff, and sold our house.  We moved into the Airstream in October 2018.  

Some say we're crazy but we are loving our new lifestyle. My kids are adventuring outside and finally experiencing the life I had imagined for them. When I see them covered in dirt at the end of the day I know we made the right decision. 

Follow our adventures at

Wedding Photography website:

Traveling out of the Country with Dogs by

I’m so excited to have Nathalie, Louis, & Parker from on the blog today! They travel full-time in their 1969 Airstream Globetrotter. The pictures from all their travels are breathtaking! I know you’ll love them just as much as we do! Today Nathalie is going to share all about their experience crossing the Canadian border with their pup Parker.

The first time I saw photos of the Canadian Rockies, specifically Banff National Park, I knew I needed to go. The mountains have always spoken to me and these particular ones looked phenomenal.

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When we started making travel plans for summer 2018, some friends reached out wanting to meet up in Montana. This meant we would be a matter of minutes from the Canadian border. This was our chance to go north and explore those beautiful places we’d seen in photos.

But what about our sweet pup, Parker? I knew we couldn’t leave her behind.

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I quickly started researching what it would take to bring a dog across the Canadian border. After reading a handful of web pages, we were excited to find we could bring Parker across and that she would be able to explore with us!

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Here is a list of the top 3 things you should know when traveling across the Canadian Border with your pet:

1-Your pet needs to be vaccinated against rabies. The little tag on your pet’s collar doesn’t count, you’ll need the actual paper your veterinarian gave you the day of the shot. The paper will list: your pet’s name, breed, color, weight, and age; your vet’s contact information and license number; and lastly, the serial number for the vaccination and where it was manufactured. If you don’t have this paper call your vet and have them send you a copy before you reach the border. Pet vaccinations are required in both Canada and the US. You never know when you’ll be asked to show proof so be prepared by keeping a copy with you at all times.

2-Open bags of pet food can’t be brought across the Canadian border. Know how much your pet needs for the duration of the visit and bring a new, sealed bag that is no larger than 40 lbs. The US is a little more relaxed in regards to pet food so if you purchased the food in the US, you should be good to bring the rest back with you.

3-Research where you can or cannot bring your pet. Dogs are allowed on most trails in the Canadian National Parks. Make sure your pet stays on leash at all times. Leash laws are for the safety of your pet, wild life, and the beautiful land you’re exploring.

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Now that you know the basics, I’ll tell you a little about our experience.

When we got to Montana I pulled out our folder of Parker’s paperwork. After flipping through it we noticed we had a paper saying which vaccines she had done, but it wasn’t “the rabies paper” we needed… crap.

The stress about whether our Canada trip would happen or not kicked in. I called our veterinarian first thing the next morning (just two days before we were supposed to cross the border) and was able to get a copy emailed to us within an hour. We were lucky to get a copy so quickly, however, I would not recommend putting it off until the last minute!

We were now fully prepared to cross the border. We knew all the rules and had a plan, yet I still felt so nervous! When we got to the Canadian border we rolled down our windows, even the back ones, so Parker could say hello. We had nothing to hide. We handed over our passports, had Parker’s rabies vaccination record in hand, and waited for the officer to ask questions. I don’t know why I was so anxious about crossing! It was so quick and easy.

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We got into Canada, no problem. It was time to explore all the incredible lakes and mountains our hearts desired via kayak, hiking, hammock, and more, all with our little adventure pup by our side. We visited Banff, Jasper, and Yoho National Parks. They were all amazing and unique in their own ways. We met people from all over, who shared similar experiences of ease, bringing their furry friends on their travels.

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If you are considering bringing your pet to Canada, don’t let crossing the border scare you. We experienced things seamlessly going both in and out. Parker enjoyed all the new places we went and we could sleep easily knowing she was by our side.

A little about @cedar.streams

We are Nathalie and Louis. We have been traveling full time in our self renovated, off-grid Airstream for a year and a half. Louis does carpentry work on the road, while Nathalie takes care of planning and documenting this big journey we call life. We boondocks everywhere we go to give ourselves, and our very adventurous dog, Parker, a chance to explore unique places and fully submerge ourselves in the outdoors.

To find Nathalie & Louis’ IG click HERE

For more cuteness from Parker search #Parkertheadventurepup on IG

Road School by @weelittlenomads

I’m so excited to share Mary from @weelittlenomads today. She was one of the very first accounts I started following when we were looking into Airstreams. I love following their family travels & hope to pass them on the road one day! They are in mid-renovation of a new trailer so make sure to go see their progress! - Colleen


Making the decision to educate your children at home is momentous. It not only dictates the learning environment for your kids and their childhood experiences, but also your parenting schedule and strategy.

Now that we have this big ole ice cream Sunday in front of us called HOMESCHOOL- let’s just put a cherry on top by putting that school in motion on wheels and calling it ROADSCHOOL.

There are so many similarities between the two and many times they go hand-in-hand with curriculums and schedules, but there are also many differences. The most notable one is the lack of a permanent home-base. This creates challenges such as - library cards, sport leagues, subscription mail kits, and inability to form weekly learning groups or join co-op schools.

Instead of focusing on the closed windows, let’s focus on the doors that open for a child and parent that school on the road. 

  1. Ability to travel to various points of interest and not only teaching something, but experiencing it. Lessons about different climates and land formations are more exciting when we can explore deserts, volcanos, and coastal regions. We can touch sea stars in tidal pools on the rocky Pacific Coast, and walk along the harsh terrain of the Arizona desert. We can color pictures of peninsulas and plateaus and then see the landscape with our own eyes - bringing geography and geology to life in unforgettable ways.

  2. Nature at our doorstep, an ever-changing backyard. One day we are picking poppies and identifying the California wildflowers, and the next we are in the Pacific Northwest touching moss and fungi species on the rainforest floor. Nature studies is a very prominent part of our schooling journey because we are constantly outside exploring our new surroundings. National and State Parks are great roadschooling resources - with junior ranger programs making it fun and accessible for kids to learn about the wildlife in that area.

  3. Cultural and Social skills flourish. I know what you are all thinking - but what about socialization?!? Won’t you raise an unsocialized weirdo living this way?! All I know is that my children are incredibly social and make friends everywhere we travel - they have learned how to communicate and create relationships that are respectful and culturally sensitive. If they do not enjoy the company of another child, they can walk away - they do not learn the ill behaviors of classmates - instead they form friendships at playgrounds, museums, and with fellow traveling families. They have strong bonds with their siblings and love to meet peers along the way.

  4. Technology has come a long way. Online resources are available to fill in some of the gaps. We can do online art classes, music classes, math classes - you name it! We can download any book with a library card from our home state. Online subscriptions are available for National Geographic Kids Magazine or documentary series. The possibilities are endless! 

In fact, we created an online subscription for a human anatomy and physiology homeschool curriculum to fill in a science gap. My husband and I are both medical - he is an ICU nurse and I am a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. We wanted to create a simple lesson plan for families to learn about health and wellness. Each month introduces a new bodily system with a correlating disease or disorder; for instance, respiratory system and asthma lesson is month 1. It can easily be applied to homeschool and roadschool families alike because it is conveniently sent to your email at the start of each month with the downloadable PDFs and linked resources.

To learn more visit


I have learned so much from teaching my children on the road. It takes patience and perseverance and a large dose of flexibility. Here are my main takeaways from this type of education:

Let the travels be your guide to teaching - base your lessons on your surroundings. 

Don’t get weighed down by materials. School supplies are wonderful, but most of the time less is more.

Experience trumps worksheets. If you have to choose between your child sitting in a chair and writing 100 multiplication problems versus creating tiny boats to float down the nearby creek - always pick the latter. Kids learn through play! 

Mother Earth is the greatest teacher, let her do most of the work.

Most everything worth teaching is done outside of a desk. 

Visit us @weelittlenomads on instagram to follow our roadschool journey! 

Vist our website


Hey Friends,

We are the Cashio’s from @steadystreamincashios. We created this website as a place for adventure lovers, tiny home dwellers, and a place to spotlight people living life an “unconventional way”! We started this journey with a love for Airstreams, but never thought we could ever live full-time in less than 200 sq ft. Further into renovation we felt called to step out in faith & move into our renovated Airstream. We then decided to make a career change & do this as our jobs. Tiny living doesn’t solve your problems, but it really helped us put into perspective WHAT our goals in life were & HOW to achieve them. Tiny living isn’t always easy either. There are days when its storming and entering inside brings a monsoon of rain and loads of muck. But cleaning is quick and simple. Vacuuming takes 1/5 of the time it did before. Sure we are always running into each other, but this keeps us all involved in each other constantly. As for making a living, Zach is the muscles to our builds with experience in anything power tools, welding, and woodworking, etc. Colleen is a hairdresser turned homemaker and designs the projects. Ezra and Harvey love to help dada with the builds, make messes with tools and Luna tries to stay far away from loud tools. We are hoping to soon find adventure on the road and would love to run into you all. So follow along and make sure to subscribe!

Stay Steady,

XO The Cashio’s